Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are not allowing 'walk-in' visits
ALL consultations must be pre-arranged in advance
To prevent our telephones being swamped please request prescriptions, certificates etc at
For advice & daily updates:
We are expecting to receive the Pfizer BioNTech version of the COVID-19 vaccine. The brand name for this vaccine is "Comirnaty". It is given by injection into the muscle of the upper arm. Two doses are given 4 weeks apart.
For information about this vaccine please visit
HSE website - information about COVID19 vaccine
HSE website - safety information
European Medicines Agency - Corminaty information
European Medicines Agency - Corminaty specifications
Taking care of your health
Surgery Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:
Our out of hours is provided by K doc. Contact K Doc on 045 848 701
Meet our friendly staff
Dr. Yvonne Callan,
Dr. Cara Lonergan,
Dr. Dermot Shearer
are the three GP partners at Ballycane Surgery. Meet the rest of our staff.
We have been and will be running Covid Booster Vaccine clinics
Our next Covid Booster Clinic will be 13/01/2022
Also there are appointments free at HSE Vaccine Centres -> Book here
Also the HSE is running walk-in clinics at Punchestown without appointment on 22/12/21 & 24/12/21
Remember many pharmacies are also providing Booster Vaccines
Please email rather than telephone reception if looking for Booster Vaccine appointment

Naas, Co Kildare, W91 AW7D, Ireland